Is There Really Scientific Evidence For God’s Existence?

Beautiful Islam
4 min readDec 3, 2020

God’s existence itself is perhaps the most scientific evidence, and maybe you ask how? I can’t see nor hear Him.

Our answer would be: “you didn’t ask if we can see or hear God in the same way of seeing or hearing the tangible things.” If this was your question, then our answer would be: “of course not”. But your question was: “Is there a scientific evidence for the existence of God?”

Sense And Reason

Science is composed of sense and reason. A man is not a blind machine, like a camera, in which that we need to see God in order to prove His existence. A man analyzes the input of senses, by logic and comes up with the results, which starts from the first moment of his life.

Even the animals use logic to connect between the cause and result. They conclude from the food’s smell, that there is food. Another example, is the dog, when he follows a person or an object by following its sense of smell. If you have seen a bitten apple, you would know, that there is someone who has ate it. If you have heard a song with beautiful voice, you would know that there is someone singing. You have not seen the one who has bitten the apple, nor the one who was singing, yet you have concluded that they exist.

Read More: Where Is God?

This is science! It’s the self-evident science! But because of its simplicity, people don’t consider it as science, because this word is associated within our minds, with contemplation and analysis, which are not needed here. There is a result for every cause. This is a logical principle, that does not require education or intelligence.

Law of causation

We work according to the law of causation in everything. We eat because food is a reason of satisfying our hunger. We drink because water is a reason for quenching our thirst. We sleep to rest. And we work to make a living by this principle.

You can find out that there is a Creator of this universe, who directs everything, who created the universe, prepared it for life and every single detail, set its laws and more. The Creator’s power appears in creating you and what is around you. So the question: “Is there an evidence for the existence of God?” is inaccurate question, because everything around us is evidence of God’s existence.

Is There Anything Not an Evidence of God?

If you enter a house that is not yours and you sit on the sofa inside and you eat the food cooked on the table in front of you; is it logical to ask at that time: “Is there an evidence, that this house was built by someone, and this food was made by a chef, or this sofa has a maker”? Exactly, God says in Quran:

Say, “Observe what is in the heavens and earth.” But of no avail will be signs or warners to a people who do not believe. [Noble Quran 10:101]

So, the accurate question here is to ask: “Is there anything that can exist and we don’t consider it as an evidence of God’s existence?” The answer is: No.

“Whenever people are in need of something, God will present it with a better than what his servants need.” — Ibn Taymiyyah

Therefore, people need to know, that their Lord is the greatest of needs. So God is bestowed upon them by evidence of existence.

Can We Create Ourselves?

Indeed, one of his names is Al-Zahir (The Manifest, The Evident). In His book, Zad Al-Masir, Ibn Jawziyya, said in the interpretation of the verse 57:3:

“He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing.”

“God is manifest by His brilliant argument, enlightened proofs and evidence indicating His authenticity and Oneness. So He is The Manifest, as He could be known by minds and evidence. And at the same time He is The Hidden, because He is not seen by eyes, like all things seen in the world.”

This is simply and clearly the evidence of God’s existence. All the creatures with their characteristics which they cannot create themselves. They cannot be created from nothing. There must be a greater Creator. So it is necessary to separate the evidences for existence of Allah and the responses to those who deny this self-evident truth.

Does Suspicion Entail Weakness?

Moreover the frequent repetition of suspicions raised against something does not necessarily mean its weakness. Rather in this case the frequent repetition of suspicions expresses the conflict of the deniers with their truth that attacks them to satisfy themselves.

“Do they not look into the realm of the heavens and the earth and everything that Allah has created and [think] that perhaps their appointed time has come near? So in what statement hereafter will they believe?” [Noble Quran 7:185]

